Friday, August 15, 2008

Off to get a good ole' edeekashun.

Well I'm here. I'm in lawrence now, and I'm officially living 'on my own'. Of course it would be more official if I wasn't living with my sister...but then I wouldn't have my own room, so I don't really mind.

I can't believe it. I'm in college! The feeling weird. In a few years I'll be where Carissa's at: Ready to graduate with a degree and start a job in the 'real world'. I'm interested to discover in which ways I will grow. I can't wait to meet new people and get involved in awesome activities.

I already miss my friends back in Tal-Town. Go figure. But I'll see them again, when I visit them or they visit me. It's strange to think that they won't be a central part of my life anymore. A lot of things are strange these days.

It feels so weird to call this place home. A place that I've only ever visited and never really thought about living. I'm still completely lost when it comes to streets and all that. I guess it'll take me awhile before I'm as good as Carissa at navigating Lawrence.

Xander takes some getting used to. I miss my Denver though. For some reason, Xander looks odd to me, and Denver is just sooooo cute. I won't miss him waking me up at 9 in the morning though. Whimpering because he's stuck in his crate. I always went to let him out because the way he sounded, it was like we were kicking him instead of putting him in a crate with a blanket and toys. Spoiled little thing.

I'm so anxious for classes to start. I wish they were already beginning, but I found out that they don't start until Thursday. Bleh. I guess now I'll have time to really unpack, at my own pace, and set everything up. I do, after all, have a reputation to create...being a responsible student and all.

T's here already too! That's a plus. She's a great friend of mine, and she's taking band so they make her come up here early. Tee! Tomorrow she said she wanted to have lunch with me! WOOT, and we get to watch Queen of the Damned, which I have never seen...which is apparantly a crime in her books. lol.

I finished Breaking Dawn about a week ago! Oh goodness I love the Twilight series. If you have not read it yet, GO! READ. NOW. Remember, the Twilight series by Stephanie Myer. Of course it's a teenager's book about a human falling in love with a vampire, but I liked it. It was intriguing.

I feel like I have nothing to do here though. That's a bit of a problem. I don't know anyone, except Yace, Carissa and Jules. Bleh. I love the girls to death, but Carissa and Jules are working girls. What am I to do all day, till I get a job and start school???

I'm saving up for a new phone. I want to get like a PDA/Palm Pilot type phone. I already went and picked it out at the verizon store, and it's about $170. I've got $50 of that though, thanks to one of dad's friends who sent me graduation money. :D And I think it'll be nice to have something to call my own as well, that I bought with money I saved.

I could've bought it if Mom hadn't have gone away for that entire month that I had to feed and entertain myself...and fix her ant problem, and go grocery shopping. Let me tell you what, seeing that I spent most of my money on that, bites the big one. For reals.

I always feel guilty when it comes to money though. I hate hate hate it when my mother has to transfer money because I'm close to getting an overdraft fee or something. I always feel so careless...and then starts the thoughts of me not being able to handle money, and never being able to make it on my own when I don't have her there to help me. *sigh*

So that's why I'm getting a job as soon as I can. So that she doesn't have to worry about that stuff, and Carissa either. I can help out with the internet bill and the groceries. And I can stock the fridge with whatever I want. Of course I'll ask that they not touch certain items, but I'll share too. :D

I guess the only thing left to do now, besides unpacking I mean, is to find a decent chinese place.

That's all.


A Fabulous Gay Man

Queen Trixie J.D. the First

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