Tonight I saw the movie 'Julie & Julia'. Though I was late to the 9:50 showing, I got there in enough time to be there for 97% of this movie and let me tell you, it was well worth it.
The film, starring two of my favorite actresses (Meryl Streep and Amy Adams) chronicles the blogging adventures of Julie Powell, who undertook the enormous feat of cooking through Julia Childs' recipes in a year, a post for each and every meal.
Meryl was hilariously marvelous and commanding in her role as Julia. This actress, one of the greatest screen legends still going strong in her career, effortlessly portrays her character and makes it believable. You forget for a time that this is an actress, or at least I did. That is a great achievement for any performer, and she pulls it off.
The tale is a charming one, showing the mirroring lives of these two women through time. Each of them set out to accomplish something, and despite the hardships they faced, they accomplished it. At the end of the day, everybody in their lives may not have been happy and they may not have changed the world - but they did something. They set a goal and they did it!
I give this movie a five out of five crowns, for being a fabulous creation.
Anyway, the point of this post is that the movie inspired me. I may not win any sort of recognition for my blogs or my writings, but I'm chasing my dream. One day I hope to be a published author and this movie refreshed my Muse's Well of Inspiration. I feel like writing again! I feel like working on my book and keeping at it.
I missed this feeling, and I realize now that it doesn't take a movie to let me have it. I was holding myself back, letting myself wallow in the pits of self-sympathy. What a horrible and ugly place that can be.
Tonight has been an all around spectacular evening: I got to see a wonderful friend of mine whom I haven't seen in a long while and we had coffee together. We talked about our lives and sorted through our problems and over all just had a great time. We're trying to collaborate and coordinate a podcast at the moment, about our lives as queer youth. I want to make it meaningful to somebody, even if only for the humor our lives might provide. But more than that, I want to make this podcast relevant to queer youth everywhere. I want to talk about the issues and hear the thoughts of others. Where is our new gay generation headed?
I'm not looking to boister myself onto some pedestal in doing these projects. I'm looking to put my thoughts and ideas out there and just create something meaningful.
We all search for meaning in our lives - and some of us never get it or feel like we don't have something to contribute. But the fact is, whatever we contribute, might in some small way mean the world to someone else and that in and of itself is worth it.
I am inspired. I want to reach someone. I want to achieve my goals and at the end of the day I will be able to look at myself in the mirror and say: you tried and you created and for that I am joyful.
So I throw down the gauntlet - go. Go and do something you love and whatever you do love yourself for it.
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First
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