You have to love the fire engine red. And Hello! The picture is so very "Mean Girls".
But that is not what this is about. This is about what is going on in my life right now. I've been thinking about the New Year and about what I've been unhappy with in my life in 2008.
I already got rid of one big one. No need to name names. But I'm talking about things that have to do with me personally.
I've decided to start writing in my work-out blog again, and just writing in general. I'm becoming more motivated to do a lot of things. Like keep up on my blogging and wake up early to enjoy my mornings.
That's something I've started to think about recently. What could I do to add more enjoyment to my life? And my mother has always talked about how she likes to enjoy her mornings. You know, sit down and sip at her coffee, flip through a magazine if she feels like it or even turn on the television.
So I decided to try that. I woke up two full hours ahead of the time I needed to be at school, and I took a good long shower and then I got dressed in a cute outfit and sat down to watch some television with my cup of coffee.
Moulin Rouge was on, which is one of this Diva's all time favorite movies. I was going to write some in my novel, but decided that this first time was just going to be about lazy-relaxation. Not productive-relaxation.
It really charged me up for my day. I felt good all the way through. I watched a few episodes of Brothers & Sisters in between my classes, which I adore by the way. I only have about three courses (until I take my math placement quiz.) and it's fabulous. I love my teachers and the course work should be easy.
Of course I'm only taking a light load because I want to A) Do better with my grades and B) I'm moving to MHTN, KS after this semester.
That's right folks, I don't plan to move to Minnesota any longer. There are several reasons for this though. 1) I'm not going to be staying very long, only about a year and although it would be a good experience to live somewhere else, I feel that it would not be conducive to my plan. 2) I have a plan. Whereas before? I didn't.
Now I'm going to get a job, (and possibly a student loan) and take some online courses geared towards opening up a business.
It's going to be small, quaint and nothing I can't handle. I might turn it into a chain, but that's like "Woah Nelly." I haven't even started the business so I shouldn't be thinking about getting a chain off the ground until I actually have a business up and running.
I figure the experience and the financial backing of myself will allow me to move on to other Business ventures. Like a club, and a staging company.
I have big plans and I hope, a bright future.
Besides, if that doesn't work out, I will just have to have the resilliance to come back strong and get a degree.
This is all is a very scary time, but that's life. I can't spend it sequestered away in my room. I've got to get out there and do what I think is best for myself. And this plan of action is what I think will be best for me.
I don't know the details. I don't know if everything will work itself out. All I know is that I've got a dream, and I've got a motivation.
And when you think about it? That's kind of what this country is all about.
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First
(Picture from: http://www.art4kids.com/images/all/Spring2005/21488-Fabulous.jpg )
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