Hey, this one's going to be a little short, because I'm at school and I've only got twenty minutes before my next class.
I just...wanted to write an entry because I was online and I've been thinking alot lately about myself.
I actually did all of my homework yesterday! I came to class feeling totally prepared and it was a great feeling, let me tell you. I felt like I was on top of things.
But there's still alot of things I need to work on before I can feel better.
You see I've taken myself off the dating market, and I'm not going back on it no matter what until I am completely satisfied with who I am.
I have to start exercising on a regular basis, and I've got to make sure I have all my responsibilities taken care of before doing something else for fun. I'm also trying to figure out how I can take care of myself financially. I know I don't have to do it right now, but eventually I have to be able to pay my dad for my sophomore year of college.
That's going to suck, but I've got to stick to it. My mother said she would pay me to help her renovate the westy hosue this summer, so I'm going to do that obviously. (free meals and free room and board and all that.)
Anyway, I just...I've been realizing how much I've changed over the past few months. And why. If Derrick hadn't broken my heart I wouldn't be where I am today. I would not be as motivated, as emotionally developed or as strong.
So in the words of Christina Aguilera: Thanks for making me a fighter.
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the first.
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