For the first time in a long time I'm feeling...decidedly optimistic. Everything is running smoothly, I believe. And even if it's not, it sure feels like it.
I checked my email today and guess what? My blog is to be featured on !!! I'm really excited about it. They emailed me sometime back in May when I still had my other blog, but the MO is still the same for this blog, so I thought, why the heck not?
That being said, I'm going to take a moment and be a shameless website pimp and market my sites. Aside from this one, I have a role-playing forum that I just created not too long ago with my cousin. You can find it here. It has a fantasy role-playing game that involves magic and mystical creatures, and there's also a star trek RP on there. Bet you didn't know I was a bit Role-playing geek, did ya? (*snickers*)
Now that I have my apparant geekiness out of the way, I'll get to my regular posting material. I'm thinking about starting a podcast, although I'm not sure what it would be about. If I do get one started, I shall definitly let everyone know. Also I'm currently working on a novel. I've got part of Chapter 1 completed, and although it'll take a while for me to finish, I am really excited about it. It's always been a dream, and a life-long goal of mine to write a book and have it published.
Aside from that I've just been generally trying to enjoy my last few days/weeks before school starts. I've begun to feel like I'm ready to handle what the world has to throw at me. Do you know how amazing that is? To feel so bogged down, and so emotionally vulnerable and then all the sudden to just decide to let it go and enjoy life? Just let it go. That's all I had to do.
It puzzles me that I couldn't figure this out before. I've ultimatley decided to go with the flow, wherever my life leads me. New opportunities (like the one listed above) will crop up, and new people will come in to my life, and I know it'll be great. I don't know how I know, but I am positive that my life will be fine.
I'm sure I'll still complain a little bit along the way, but other than that, I will end up ok. And that's really all any of us want, I think. Is to know that their own lives will be validated through their own eyes and that they will be happy with what happens to them.
Constantly people make something of themselves from nothing, and those people? They chose to be happy in life, and in doing so, they changed their circumstances all on their own to become a success. Examples are all around you. and I think I'm about to become one as well.
In regards to my (non-existent) romantic life, I have decided to step out of the market for a while. I'm still not satisfied with my body, and I'm steadily working on changing that. I'm not unhappy by any means, because this issue doesn't consume my life, however I know that I'll view things differently when I'm done with this self-improvement endeavor.
If you're unhappy about something in your life, why just sit there and be unhappy about it? Do something about it, if you can! And most of the time, I've learned that you can. It just makes so much sense to do. The movie that drives this point home is "Wanted" with Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman. The song that drives this point home is "Open your Mind" by Melissa Etheridge (and really the last five or so songs of her album "The Awakening").
Everything, I must say, is alright with me. I'm happy again.
I'm decidedly...optimistic.
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First