Well hello everyone! It's Sunday and I'm at Carissa's apartment in L-town. I came up here for a weekend of debauchery with Jules, K.D., D and Andrea. But only K.D. and her bf and Jules' best friend could make it.
We decided to go camping and so we went out to this neat little camping area about ten minutes away from town.
I brought the tent and the sleeping bags and I ended up buying a lot of other things. I have unfortunately almost depleted the graduation money that I SWORE I would save. *sigh* It was hard for me to accept that I had squandered all that money away, but then I got to thinking about what I used it on. I have used it to have a good time this summer, like my sister did. And although that isn't the most 'logical' thing to do with my money, I figured what the hell; you only live once.
I am however pulling out the remaining funds (however much that may be, and I'm not telling you) and stashing it away from myself. Out of sight, out of mind. Or so I hope.
It is about 1 p.m. and I need to start getting ready to leave. It started to rain last night at like 3 in the A.M. and so I made a mad dash to collect everything valuable and put it in my car. Jules had to take Carissa home about thirty minutes prior to that because she had food poisoning. But don't worry she's fine now.
K.D's tent would NOT have made it through the night so she just packed everything of her's and put it away. We still have the tent and a couple of styrofoam coolers left along with the tent and sleeping bags. We should go get those here pretty soon.
All in all it was an ok night. We couldn't get the fire started to save our life! It was horrible. I mean we did get it ignited but it would only stay burning for like 20 minutes at best. It was so ridiculous. But we did end up making s'mores! Now those were delicious!
I don't know if I've said before but I'm on this massive campaign of self improvement. I am starting to try and keep up better personal hygene (bleh with this spelling!) and I'm going to start going to bed at 10:00 no exception and exercise at the VERY LEAST three times a week. I haven't been doing bad in these areas, but there's always room for improvement, eh?
Speaking of, I've been struggling to stay interested in going to work. I like working there, but it's just that I'm not used to it and I feel like I'm always messing up because sometimes I don't do things the right way and they correct me and. Uh. So It isn't exactly all that fun. But I'm dealing. I'll keep you posted on that area.
Well I had better get in the shower and get ready to leave for tal-town once again. Wish me well!
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First
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