Monday, November 8, 2010

A Note of Aggravation

 I have a bone to pick, that I was trying to avoid picking. I don't like airing dirty laundry on the internet and let me be clear that this is not for that purpose. This is to express something I need to get off my chest. Something that has been plaguing me for days, maybe even a week or two now.

I, being a concerned member of the GLBT community in L-town, messaged the sponsor of the University Gay/Straight Alliance about arranging a voting initiative and having a forum to discuss the recent slew of suicides in the community. As a student with legitimate concerns, I voiced my opinions and waited for a response.

Four days later I had to message Tasha A. (whose name I have changed to protect her privacy) to even get a response from her. All the message responding to me contained were a couple of lines, basically saying she was busy and would talk with the president of the group as soon as possible (that week, she said.)

But hearing nothing further from her, I have gathered that I am not important. My voice isn't important. My opinions and thoughts are not valued.

It may seem extreme to draw that conclusion from such a simple exchange, yet that is how she made me feel. Without a voice, without a sphere of influence, without power. I thought we were supposed to stick together, I thought we were supposed to feel welcome, that we matter.

I don't feel any of that at the moment. And it is because of her blatant indolence. Maybe she was feeling a level of torpor from her rigorous schedule - I understand that I am not the only busy one. But when I go to a University Official and voice an opinion and a suggestion and a possible course of action, I expect a different response than utter uncaring.

So Tasha, if you are reading this, I hope that this was a one-time thing. I hope that you meet others with concerns and you champion them. Because I looked up to you and I looked to you for guidance. It's okay, my constitution is stronger than previously thought, and I can stand on my own in the face of this shattering of my faith in you - but I am disappointed. I expected more from you.

And maybe I expected too much.

But I don't think I was asking too much.

That's all.


A Fabulous Gay Man,

Queen Trixie J.D. the First.

(Photo From:

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Hey Love,

I first want to say thank you very much for being concerned about what is going on with me. I really appreciate it, truly. It is quite a mess and I have had more (recent) breakdowns this year than I have ever had- I am just very emotional. I just need to learn to let things go. I'm trying to help my sister (she got kicked out for a day or so and I want her to take things seriously) and I believe I have just annoyed her by telling her to get off of facebook and do her school. Anyway.. I suppose I shouldn't push too much like that.. but she is on her last chance. My mother doesn't even want to see her.. It's just sad. And I hope she will realize how important it is but who knows. I'll do my best outside of my own life and obligations.

I am troubled to see that your requests seemed to have been ignored from this lady (even though I am not sure about what this group is that you are in?). I assume it is a group supporting gay rights? I believe that's unfair and I hope that lady will get back to you and action will be taken.

Don't be too discouraged, there are always people here to listen when you need them- of course I am one of them, always! Just keep trying and have faith. This country is narrow-minded so please continue to love life and know that you can do what you want. Someone will break the ice on this issue and these blind people will see that sexuality is all biological (and even if it isn't it is a personal choice, so what do they know!) and that they have no right, no matter the so-called reason, to exclude members of different sexualities.

I love you much Jerebear!