Monday, June 28, 2010

For My Querida

 So I'm sitting here with an iced coffee - and no not from Starbucks - but from my own kitchen. It doesn't look as fancy as this picture to your left does, but it tastes every bit as good I'm sure.

I'm basically writing this post for T who is studying abroad and whom I miss terribly. So querida this is for you.

Mostly I've been doing homework. I mean boat loads of homework. And there's more coming too. I'm very sick of looking at a computer screen all day because my courses are all online. I'm taking two right now but I've been focusing on only one. My math course.

I'm taking Intermediate Algebra and once I'm done with that, I'll be able to enroll in college algebra. Let me tell you that I'm going to work my a** off to get both of these courses done within the first two weeks of July. This is because today or tomorrow is when I'll submit my application for readmission to KU.

It's a lofty goal and I know that timing is everything with this, but I know I can do it. The thing will be if KU can *recognize* that I can do it. Which I hope they do. If I put in all of this work for nothing then I will be severely upset and probably have a mental breakdown. Seriously.

I want this so bad and I've worked so hard and continue to work hard. If there is any justice in the world I will get back in. Of course there have been a lot of injustices happening to me lately. I received  a court summons for the $11,000 fine on the three bedroom apartment that I used to live in with Carissa and Erica.

All of this over a three bedroom that I opted to get of because I didn't want to live in HELL anymore. Sometimes I wonder how the people at F.R. (the initials to the complex I used to live in) can sleep at night. We were young - or at least Erica and I were - and we don't have any money to speak of and here they are trying to squeeze every last penny (that we don't have!) out of us. I mean it's a college town...could they just let it go already?

It's weird that they are calling us to court in the first place because Carissa has been paying on it and I'm about to join her in that. Erica has no income and they have no information on her so they can't call or harass her. But the court date stands until the balance is paid in full. Well good luck people. Cause there's no way we can pull that kind of money out of our butts. No. Way.

In other news I've just been trying to keep up with exercising. I stopped doing it for about a week because I've been so busy with school but now I'm noticing the affects of that. My family must store more fat than otters. I'm genetically cursed. Oily skin, low metabolism, etc.

It could be looked at as a good thing because if I didn't exercise I'd go out of my mind here. Erica left for Tal-Town not too long ago and it's been boring without her. No Erica and no Tess. What is a guy to do?!

Writing has been going dismally. Mainly because I haven't had the time. School takes priority of course. Which I think is a travesty because the world is being deprived of my much needed genius :p  But seriously I am itching to write even when I can't. I'm working on a novel and I wanted to have it complete by August but I realized that would be impossible so I pushed the date back to December. That way my book can hit shelves a year later at Christmas and every man, woman, and child will get one for the holidays.

Anyway my darling, if you're reading this, I love you and I miss you and I can't wait to see you again so I can tell you these things in person.

That's all.


(Picture from:

1 comment:

nirat said...

I was delighted to see a post just for me meu amor :). Sorry about all of the travesties... But I know your hard work will pay off eventually. I believe in you.
