And so begins the chronicling of my not-so-existent dating life. Well, dating plus all the other 'extra-curricular' activities.
Last night I got drunk with a couple of people from Wichita, and there was a guy there who is a friend of my best friend. We'll call him Nick.
Nick is kind of trying to stop drinking and cut down, but we let him have more than his fair share of drinks. I, having to drive my sister and her two other friends to the club, was in a slightly aggravated mood.
So naturally I decided to drink as well. I had four shots of vodka and two beers. Needless to say I was pretty drunk. At about that time, me and nick and my bff had to go pick up the three ladies who were pissed because we were late picking them up. We all went back to the apartment and got back to drinking, while my one of the people there got upset and called their ex boyfriend and ended up passing out in my bed.
My sister and my bff were on the couch talking when all of the sudden my sis gets a call and decides to go console one of her friends who is having troubles with her fiance. Nick, me and K (a friend of my sis) decided to drink some more. Nearly done with the game about an hour later, we get a call saying that my sister's car had died and she needed a jump.
Apparently while trying to jump the car, the-friend-in-need dropped her engagement ring in the hood of her car and couldn't find it.
So K, Nick and I went to their aid. Meanwhile, in the backseat, we began to make-out. Now something you have to know about Nick is that he is in love with some other guy and when they get the chance they are going to be together instead of trying a long distance relationship. At the beginning of the night, he said to me 'Don't let me make out with you, because I'm not going to remember a thing in the morning.'
Lo and behold, in our drunken horny states, we couldn't resist.
All the while, I couldn't help but wonder if I was being used. Sure it was mutual fun for both of us, but in the time of my life where I'm trying to focus on myself I had to wonder: Is there any problem with mutual satisfaction, if both parties are participating for different reasons?
And if not, should you regret it in the morning if the other person won't remember, and you already knew that?
The festivities ended when we got back from jumping the car, after spending an hour trying to find the ring whilst being completely drunk and freezing outside at five a.m. In a drunken rage, K left and accused my sister of being thoughtless of anybody but herself.
The next morning, my mother left, not bothering to say goodbye and saying that 'the environment wasn't a good one to accomplish what she needed to get done.'
When the morning aged and broke through my haze, I felt worse for more than just a bad hangover. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he didn't remember anything, and he still doesn't know the full extent of what we did. Spending the next day and a half with him might prove difficult when last night, was all I can think about.
I don't have feelings for Nick, besides ones of friendship, but the fact of the matter is that I don't know him. The fact of the matter is, he is completely unavailable.
So how far is too far in the name of too many beers? How long should we keep others in the dark, if it means saving both parties the drama of it all?
That's all.
A fabulous gay man,
Queen Trixe J.D. the First
(Picture from: http://z.about.com/d/movies/1/0/W/8/R/sexandthecitypic10.jpg )
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